Sunday, February 15, 2009


I know this is kind of a stretch for a party... but I thought it would be fun to create the Label for parties and also there are alot of girl classmates in it. This is my 9th birthday party. Starting at the bottom LeAnn Morwood, Andrea Yardley, Kim Martin, Kim Brown. Then Jenny Harris, I think Julie Black is behind Valerie Smith, then Me, Lynette McInelly, Tess Oakden, Cherish Tebbs and Charlotte Burr. Back Row Amy Yardley, Angela Havens, Judy Cartwright, my cousin Holly and then I can't tell who is by her I want to say its Kellie

1 comment:

  1. Hey, why Andrea and I such cheesers? Are we just short, so we're used to looking up? By the way, Yaz, Only You, one of my all-time favorite songs - still have it on the I-pod! Great work, I'll try to pull out some old photos sometime - I think mine are all slides!
